Monday, April 10, 2006

Got my OU results!!!

T206 Energy for a Sustainable Future

Joy of joys, I managed to get 60% in my TMA.

Not a great score on first light but when you consider that I did only half a page on Part B which was worth 52% I think it was a jolly good performance.

Part A was largely mathematical and was worth 48%. I got full marks for that. Nice one.

Part B consisted of a 1200 word essay and since, like ironing, I don't like such things I left it to the last few days and wrote about half a page jotting down some notes. More of an essay plan really. My tutor gave me 12 out of 52 which was fair enough since there was no meat in my answer.

As a result I have decided to proceed with the course since I am confident that even I can pass.

I would highly recommend this course (even if you don't like essays).

Next assignment due Apr 28.

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